Do What Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law.
In this post I would like to discuss a common misconception about
Thelema, and that is the association with the lifestyle of Aleister Crowley.
After a great theosophical conversation with a classmate I was posed with a
very good question, “Do you agree with the way he lived his life, his actions?”
Honestly, I don’t think it matters. Yes, I think Crowley was
a philosophical genius and a great thinker, but that’s only my opinion based on
what I have read. The truth is that his
life and actions don’t make his philosophy better or worse. In fact, one has
nothing to do with the other. Just like the fact that Walt Disney was an open anti-Semite
doesn’t make Snow White a Nazi. There is A LOT of information about Crowley
available to the public these days, and most of it is false. But it doesn’t
change the philosophy he published. I want to stress the message, not the man.
Crowley himself urges the seeker to form opinions of their own,
which is kind of the point of the whole system. ( i.e. Timothy Leary- “Think
for yourself… question authority”). He also made no effort to defend himself
against the ridiculous, and sometimes comical, accusations made by the press of
his day. He expressed faith in the historical record to decipher the truth, and didn’t waste
his time trying to refute the opinions of what he called “the ignorant.”
Personally, I think he was attacked with so much bad press
and publicity because the things he said shook the foundations of lies that
people built their egos on. When you say something that makes people think, and
question themselves and their own actions, they automatically label you as
something evil, or immoral so that you can’t be taken seriously.
I want to end this post with a quote, because I couldn’t
possibly put it into better words. I am not sure the author, but I will post the URL of the page it came
“A religious philosophy that requires no absolute belief,
but instead encourages its adherents to rely on the self instead of some externalized father figure; claims no route to salvation and celebrates the
biological facts of human existence, seems quite rational to me, which is why I
remain a member. Laugh all you like – we
can laugh at ourselves too. There will be no Thelemic fatwa coming your way,
because we don’t get touchy when people poke fun. We can accept that all
religions are absurd, but then so is modern life.”
Quote taken from
Love is the Law, Love Under Will.